Troubleshooting FAQ

This page is and will always be in development and update over time.

Wabbajack Setup

Wabbjack refusing to launch

  • If you used Wabbajack before try the following:

    Reset Your Wabbajack Installation

    To completely reset your Wabbajack settings, start off by closing Wabbajack if it is open. Afterwards, press Windows + R on your keyboard and type in %localappdata%.

    You should see a Windows Explorer window pop-up; find and delete the folder called Wabbajack.

    Important: %localappdata% NOT %appdata% !!

    This will NOT affect any already installed lists or downloaded files.

  • If have never used Wabbjack before or the previous instructions didn't work try the following:

    Manually Install Wabbjack

    To manually install Wabbajack go to the latest release and download both the (will be the latest version number instead of X.X.X.X) and the Wabbajack.exe.

    Go to a folder on one of your drives and create a folder called Wabbajack if you are using an existing folder make sure you emptied it before. Now copy the previously downloaded files into this folder.

    Extract the in a way that you have a folder called X.X.X.X (again the current version number) filled with the contents of the .zip archive.

    Now you should be able to run Wabbajack from the Wabbajack.exe

Using Wabbajack

Wabbajack shows a black screen when trying to X

Install/Repair WebView2

Please install/repair WebView2 by following the answer in this link:

Repair your windows installation

Wabbjack is built using various libraries made by Microsoft and some of them require core functions of Microsoft Windows to be present that might get removed when people use debloaters or custom Windows 10/11 ISOs to install Windows. So please repair your windows if you ever have run such a deblaoter software/script.

Don't run as Admin!

"But I am not running it as Admin"

You might not have choosen to explicitly run Wabbjack with admin priviliges, BUT you either are running Wabbajack with UAC disabled which makes it so essentially every program is always executed as admin.
If it is only disabled you can simply enable UAC like this: UAC After doing this restart your PC for the change to be active.

If you have a customised installation of Windows and cannot access UAC try the following:

  1. Create a basic user account (Accounts -> Other users then add other user, click on Users, more actions and create new user)
  2. Login to that account - start Skyrim to add the registry entries for that user
  3. Log back into your primary account
  4. Hold shift, right click the .exe which will give a "Run as different user" command
  5. Select your created basic user

Wabbajack is not responsible for any issues arising from attempting to run the application on non-standard Windows installations.